While it is the School’s intention for the first point of contact to be with one’s primary care doctor, these expanded services will provide added convenience for our community as it relates to identifying illness in order to limit time out of the classroom and proactively prevent the spread of communicable diseases.
These services are not intended to replace the care and guidance of a primary care physician, but rather will assist in times of need when an appointment with a primary care doctor is not feasible. The SJS Clinical Services Department is now a licensed lab with the State of Texas to perform limited screenings.
Non-urgent issues that can be taken care of on campus
- Upper Respiratory infections
- Sore throat
- Ear pain
- Eye drainage
- Minor skin infections
- Head Lice
Clia-Waived tests performed on campus include:
- Rapid strep
- Rapid Flu (A and B)
- Blood sugar